Friday, 22 May 2015

Brief 9: Beyond Design Boards and Evaluation

This was a collaborative brief with Amy Hill. This was a project, which we had arranged at the beginning of the year. We agreed it would good to work together due to our different strengths within design. Amy's work often focused on editorial and printmaking, whereas I tend to develop my ideas digitally, with occasional experimentations in type and lasercutting. We thought a travel pack would be a fun project to explore a broad range of design ideas. 

This was a great opportunity to explore a field of design I was often reluctant to try due to a lack of experience, and often not allowing myself enough time to create physical publications. I can sometimes be too clumsy during the making process and jeopardise the quality of the end result. However, working with Amy meant I could send her ideas of layouts and type to get her feedback along the way. I think we both felt glad to try something out of our comfort zone to add new design approaches in our portfolios. Amy felt the same way about designing an app as I felt about designing a travel magazine.

Due to both of us going on placements during this project, there were times where Amy and I were unable to develop our ideas together in person. Sending developments via email or Facebook worked effectively, and meant we were able to keep eachother up to date on our developments. 

I felt that I fell behind on this brief (and a couple of others) during my placement due to long days of work and tiredness. Applying so much concentration on keeping up with the placement made me feel I was not producing as much work towards the development as I would have liked too. It was a big learning curve as I realised how tiring working for clients can be, and that it can be difficult to keep up with uni work at the same time. 

Once Amy and I had organised a meeting, the design process started picking up again and we were really excited to see the final result. The aesthetic of the magazine really started to come together once we had finalised a colour scheme and vecotrised the favourite logo. Although I would have liked to have completed the magazine in a shorter space of time, I surprised myself with the final outcome. Getting Amy's feedback was really helpful as she was far more confident in designing for publications. Following on from this project, I think it is definitely important to consider working with other creatives who can offer different skills to your own. We were able to produce a broad range of work in the end. It was a project we developed over time, which really paid off in the end.

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